Mar 29, 2011

IOS 5 Appears in June

Circulating rumors, IOS 5 was introduced to the public in the event the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2011, which falls around June 2011.

Similarly, quoted on Monday (3/28/2011) from Techcrunch, quoting two sources they trusted.

Rumored IOS 5, which is part of the iPhone 5, later going to focus specifically on the Cloud Computing service.

IOS rumored 5 also utilize music locker service from Apple, such as media streams as well as my friends discoveries Find feature of IOS 4.3 beta.

Services 'computing cloud' on the IOS 5 could also be used to locate the user's friends. Well, just wait more details ahead of WWDC 2011. Approximately what new surprise given Apple.

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